Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Challenge - Day 5

Ceramic Santa
Ok - so I confuse this wasnt made this year but it is still a household favourite (may have something to do with Santas sack being fulled with lollies). I made this at Caz Designs Ceramic Studio quite some years ago - but I think it has stood the test of time - and I dont think there hasnt been a year where someone has asked my to make them one.
The excitement of Santa has left our house, as my son no longer believes (I broke the news to him this year when he kept asking questions). Half of me is happy (no more santa presents to buy) but the other half (which is probably a BIGGER half) is really sad - I loved watching Bailey's excitement ever Christmas morning, and when he was 3 years old Bailey dreamt he has Santas Helper and told us Santa came to get him at night and he went back to Santa's Workshop and helped make Christmas Presents (those were the days - lol).

But on a positive note - we have really been able to get the "reason for the season" message to Bailey this year, and last year he gave up Christmas presents from family friends asking them to donate to charity instead - and he donated both presents and money for those less fortunate - I was proud of him - a great thing to do for a 9 year old. This year he will go to his first midnight mass and get a better understand of the catholic beliefs of Christmas.

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