Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Challenge - Day 15

Bailey's Christmas Decorations
Ok - so I didnt make them. But I did "supervise" so thats got to count for something. And this I know am a few days behind and the weekend is here and I am not my usual day ahead of myself - its been a busy and emotional week in our house and time for crafting his almost been non existant. BUT I have a plan - Bailey and I are going to have a christmas craft day on Monday

So anyway back to Day 15 - Bailey has loved making Christmas Decorations at school this year, his class had a whole day of decoration making and he are a few of the items he made (and is very proud of). We went out and brought him a small christmas tree from the 2 Cheap Shop today and he is proudly displaying these decorations and a couple of the angels I make in his bedroom.

I am so proud of he and his willingness to get involved with Christmas - I didnt know how he was going to take Christmas this year as its his first year of "officially" not believing - I have my doubts he did "actually" believe last year. He still asks some Santa questions and how did I manage to do this and that over the years if Santa REALLY doesnt exist. (Isnt it amazing what us parents can do on behalf of Santa)

Anyway - here are Bailey's little creations:

1 comment:

  1. Very cool work Bailey. I especially love the mouse with his candy cane tail. You will have to show me how to make them next time I come over.

    Paula xxx
